Help the Homeless Off the Street,
Into Treatment and Housing

The homelessness crisis in California is out of control. Encampments in public spaces are a threat to both neighborhood quality of life and to the health and safety of homeless people themselves. People are dying on the street every day in San Diego County, and there is nothing compassionate about letting others suffer on the street from mental illness and drug addiction.

We must invest in housing programs, enroll homeless people in the mental health and addiction treatment services they need, and remove and prevent encampments in public spaces.



Colin was born and raised in San Diego County. He became Eagle Scout  with Troop 362 in El Cajon, where he developed a dedication to community, teamwork, and service to others. This dedication eventually led to Colin running successfully for the La Mesa City Council in 2016, and again in 2020. Colin wears multiple hats, including his position as the Executive Director of Circulate San Diego, a nonprofit committed to public transit, walkable and safe neighborhoods, and affordable homes. Colin co-founded the San Diego Leadership Alliance and served as a board member of the League of Conservation Voters San Diego.


Rep. Scott Peters, 50th Congressional District

Assemblymember David Alvarez, District 80

Assemblymember Tasha Boerner, District 77

Catherine Blakespear, State Senator District 38

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